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Looking good! Great frame to build upon.

Thanks! that is our plan, to build upon a solid foundation

I love the fact that the cursor light the area around it from the menu - it helps immersing the player in your game. The little navigation system reminded me of FTL too, it's a nice touch !

thank you! i too enjoy the area of light around the cursor and you wouldnt believe just how easy that was to add!

Really nice team! Congratulations to all.
Even if you stress the "rough draft" part, it's really amazing what has been accomplished! I really enjoyed my time traveling through space 😁

Thank you, i will pass this along to the team!

I loved the Galaxy size -option in the menu being hidden in the darkness. Went from main menu to play and then found it there, gave me a big smile!

i enjoy that too, you wouldnt believe just how easy that was to add


Love it! Great work guys!

Thank you!